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In 2023, Rosseti South prevented theft of 17 mln kWh of electricity


In January-September 2023, after the remote data analysis and raid inspections, Rosseti South specialists prevented over 900 cases of illegal electricity consumption totaling 17.4 million kWh, which is 27% more than in the previous year.
The largest amount of non-contractual and unaccounted consumption was recorded in Astrakhan region - 50.6%. This number amounted to 37.6% in Volgograd region, 6,3% in Rostov region, and 5,5% in Kalmykia. Damage from the actions of violators amounted to over 80 million rubles. Of this amount, 67% is due to electricity consumption bypassing meters or using devices that distort readings, and 33% is due to illegal connection to the power grid without concluding a power supply contract.
This year, the violators have compensated Rosseti South 6,3 million rubles for non-contractual consumption. The remaining amount of damages will be recovered in court. More than 60 acts of non-contractual consumption in the amount of 44 million rubles (taking into account the claims of previous periods) are pending before the courts at the moment.
New electricity metering technologies, high-precision equipment, remote data analysis, as well as control inspections of customers help to identify source of losses. We will remind that the amount and price of stolen electricity is calculated based on the maximum 24-hour operation of all appliances at the facility since the last inspection. The amount of compensation is ten times higher than the amount of payment according to the metered values.
Unauthorized interference in the operation of electricity connection schemes is fraught not only with criminal liability and monetary fines, but also with power outages, failure of household appliances. Unauthorized connection to the power grid also carries the risk of electric shock and even death.