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Notification on fact of holding of securities of IDGC of the South by an insider as of the date of electing/appointing the insider for the position

Notification on fact of holding of securities of IDGC of the South by an insider as of the date of electing/appointing the insider for the position

Name of insider

Position occupied by the insider

Date of electing/

appointing the insider for the position

Information on the amount securities possessed by the insider as of the date of electing/appointing the insider for the position

Type of

securities*, name of the issuer**

Amount of securities of each type

Type of holding the securities directly or via third party)


___________             ________________               ________________

(date)                          (signature)                              (print full name)

[*] Type of securities – ordinary shares, preference shares

[**] Full or abbreviated name of the issuer – legal entity that is responsible to owners of securities

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  • Notification on fact of holding of securities of IDGC of the South by an insider as of the date of electing/appointing the insider for the position
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